Special Interest Task Force

The initiative provides a forum for members to collaborate on scholarly work, furthering the development of teaching and learning in bioethics and professionalism.

Bioethics Education


Purpose of Task Force

A Special Interest Task Force providers a forum for members to collaborate and exchange. It may include, but is not limited to co-hosting webinars, conference workshops, or symposia, conducting empirical research, and collaborating on education interventions. 

A Task Force will usually focus on a topic of collective interest and create opportunities for dialogue, promote scholarly work on the subject, and provide support to APBEN members interested in a selected scholarly focus.

All APBEN members should be given the opportunity to join an existing Task Force or establish a new Task Force.


Task Forces should aim to complete at least one activity per annum. The activities may include, but not limited to: 

  • Organising a webinar, seminar, conference talk, session, or workshop 
  • Leading a research project 
  • Co-writing an academic paper or position statement
  • Others

All activities should be publicly acknowledged as an APBEN Task Force activity. 

Leadership and Responsibility

Task Force Composition

Each Task Force should have a minimum of three members, inclusive of leaders. 

We recommend that Task Forces engage APBEN members that will represent a mix of people in different career stage (e.g. early, mid-career researchers) and from a range of Asia Pacific countries where possible.

Leader's Role

The leader(s) should: 

  • commit to serving as a leader(s) for a minimum of 2 years
  • maintain regular contact with members
  • submit verbal or written reports annually
  • take responsibility for the oversight of the Task Force and its activities, ensuring that these are consistent with the APBEN mission and values

Based on the annual report of these activities, the APBEN Executive Group may recommend dissolving a Task Force due to low activity or engagement. 

How to Apply?

Application Period

There will be two annual calls for new Task Forces in June and January. Application outside the calling period will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Any APBEN member or group of members can propose a new Task Force.


  1. One-page CV of the leader(s)
  2. One-page written proposal
    The proposal should demonstrate a capacity to carry out the proposed activities and engage members by identifying feasible objectives and strategies that will be implemented to achieve goals. The proposal should indicate: 
  • The purpose of the Task Force
  • Area of interest
  • Intended activities with proposed timelines as relevant
  • Leading member(s)

Assessment Criteria

The APBEN Executive Group will assess proposals within one month of submission with consideration of:

  • Alignment with the APBEN mission and scope (i.e. relevance to bioethics and professionalism education and the Asia Pacific region)
  • Potential for synergy or risk of duplication with existing Task Forces and planned APBEN activities 

Evidence of sufficient capacity and commitment by leaders of the proposed Task Force to be regularly active and engage its members (e.g. by offering detailed and feasible activities)


The application for Task Force will close on June 30 and January 31.


Should you have further enquires, please get in touch with APBEN Secterary.


Dr. Olivia Ngan, APBEN Secretary,
Executive Board